Author Archives: libyanfreepress


Il piano giudaico-massonico: la creazione del POLIN

Con il termine POLIN gli ebrei chiamano l’attuale Polonia. Tuttavia l’acronimo POLIN sta ad indicare un piano ben preciso: la creazione di uno stato (o un’area di influenza geopolitica) giudaico-massonico che dovrebbe estendersi dal Baltico fino all’Ucraina. Cerchiamo di capire il perché di questo piano e come viene messo in pratica





The ICC should be on trial not Saif Gaddafi

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The International Criminal Court has demanded that Libya hand over former leader Muamar Gaddafi‘s son Saif after his release by an armed militia last week, but it is the Court, not Saif, which should be on trial.

One word tells you all you need to know about the ICC, and that’s ISIS: These terrorists have perpetuated the most appalling crimes in Libya, not least the ritual execution — filmed and uploaded onto its website — of Egyptian Coptic Christians on a beachfront two years ago. The result? No indictments from the ICC.

The ICC is a kangaroo court if ever there was one, and its pursuit of Saif smacks of politics. Consider that for years he pushed for reforms in Libya, and consider also that he commanded no military nor police units. Indeed he was not in a position to commit war crimes. And yet the Hague wants him for crimes against humanity…………………………. Continue reading


Gaddafi’s son, Saif Al-Islam, released from jail

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After five years of detention in a mountain prison, Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, the son of late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, has been released from detention as part of an amnesty deal. He is now among his uncles and relatives in the eastern Libyan city of al-Bayda, according to local reports.

Gaddafi was released late Saturday, according to the Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Battalion, a militia in control of Zintan, which lies in the hills southwest of the capital Tripoli. The group is loyal to General Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army. United States Marine Corp General Thomas Waldhauser, the commander of U.S. Africa Command, has accused Haftar of being backed by the Russian Federation.

Saif al-Islam was captured by the Zintan rebels in November 2011 while attempting to flee to Nigeria after opposition forces captured Tripoli. While he was sentenced to death in July 2015 in a mass trial for officials in the toppled government founded by his father, he was later relieved of the sentence in the general amnesty that was subsequently passed.

Gaddafi is wanted by the International Criminal Court for his alleged involvement in the killing of protesters. The court has largely been discredited across the African continent as a neocolonial tool of Western capitals……………………….. Continue reading


Alleati Italia compiono strage nell’aeroporto libico Baraq al-Shati: 150 decapitati o bruciati vivi (Ita/Eng)

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Mentre…fogne mediatiche come Huffington Post e Vice, che propagandano l’accoglienza a 90 gradi verso i profughi creati dalle guerre celebrate, invocate e salutate dai su medesimi siti di disinformazione imperialista (Left, Vice, Huffington Post e altra spazzatura), in Libia, il 18 maggio, bande armate composte dai miliziani armati dal governo Renzi-Gentiloni e dai terroristi di al-Qaida, che diverse ONG italiane definiscono ‘umanitari numero uno‘, uccidevano, decapitavano e bruciavano vive 150 persone nell’aeroporto libico di Baraq al-Shati. Ovvio il sonoro silenzio del sistema merdiatico italiano. SitoAurora è l’unico sito a riferire in Italia di questo massacro commesso dagli alleati dei servizi segreti italiani e della Farnesina in Libia, ovvero al-Qaida e la fratellanza mussulmana turcofila di Misurata, dove l’esercito italiano ha posto la propria base operativa libica………….. Continue reading


What you did in Iraq & Libya is the real barbarism ~ [Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, rebukes U.S. envoy to U.N Samantha Power]

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Speaking to the press from Moscow, on Monday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova slammed the recent comment of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power, who accused Russia of ‘barbaric’ actions in Syria.
Transcript from Russian, Maria Zakharova, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson : “Regarding the statement about barbaric actions by Russia in Syria, you need to understand that American officials do not understand the meaning of the words that they use, if you are speaking from a historical context. If we assume that they are doing it for such figurative effect, some symbolism, then they certainly use those words. It is hard to imagine anything more barbaric than the US policy towards Iraq or the position and policy of some illegal coalitions within Libya. In the region it is difficult to do this. This is why everything we see is a show but apparently they are not able to play it till the end and this is why American diplomats go into hysterics. The only thing I want to tell our American colleagues: it is diplomacy. It needs professionalism, moderation, patience and understanding of what you are doing.” Continue reading


Gaddafi’s Prophecy, 2011: “Europe will turn black” ~ [video]

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Democracies corrupt our terminology – using “authoritarian” and “dictator” interchangeably – when it’s not the same thing at all. A true leader comes around once in a blue moon – and when the people recognise it, he stays for a long time.

Having orchestrated the government coup, the Western coalition killed the Colonel and plunged the country into chaos. The authoritarian leader once ruled Libya’s many clans “with an iron fist”, providing the closest thing to anti-capitalist utopia. Today inter-ethnic conflict prevails and the country is in shambles. Hillary Clinton cackles wildly.

But that is where the Western ‘outwitting’ of Gaddafi stops. The Colonel had warned that Libya is the only real gatekeeper between Africa and Europe. Without a hard stance on human traffickers, Gaddafi prophesised that “the European continent will turn black.” The Libyan government used to patrol its coasts, often dealing to traffickers harshly. Gaddafi was criticised for this by predominantly Soros’ “human rights” NGOS. In 2016, traffickers do business uninterrupted, and can make up to a million dollars per boat load of refugees into Europe… … … Continue reading


ISIS: Mandanti, registi e attori del “terrorismo” internazionale [by Paolo Sensini]

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Terrorismo e Isis: da tempo sui mezzi d’informazione non si parla d’altro, anche in seguito agli ultimi attentati in alcune capitali europee. Concetti declinati in tutte le maniere possibili e immaginabili, soprattutto riferendosi alle guerre combattute nel Vicino e Medio Oriente.

Ma conosciamo tutta la verità? Abbiamo davvero tutte le informazioni per esprimere un giudizio preciso? Quelle che leggiamo sui giornali o ascoltiamo in tv corrispondono alla realtà dei fatti oppure sono menzogne? È possibile che gli uomini di governo dell’occidente stiano sfruttando il terrorismo, che non cessano di calunniare come se fosse l’origine di tutti i mali, per ottenere un potere straordinario nei confronti della società?


Sono queste le domande fondamentali a cui il libro diPaolo Sensini, dopo aver vagliato un’imponente mole di materiali e documenti originali, risponde per la prima volta in maniera esaustiva e completa. Continue reading


“In Libia, un regime che non rappresenta le tribú di Jamahiriya” ~ Intervista di Roberta Barbi a Paolo Sensini

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Paolo Sensini – “In Libia, non c’è un governo che rappresenti la totalità delle tribù, dei gruppi, delle formazioni che sono lì: c’è il governo di unità nazionale a Tripoli, voluto dall’Onu – appoggiato sostanzialmente dalle forze di Misurata, che si sono avvicinate molto dappresso a Sirte – e ci sono le forze invece che fanno riferimento al generale Khalifa Haftar, a Tobruk, che è appoggiato da Egitto e Francia. Anch’egli sta spingendo e si è avvicinato a Sirte. Gli americani sono intervenuti ottemperando a un patto che era già implicito nell’investitura di al Sarray.” Continue reading


Traditional American political buffoonery

Bernie Sanders, the champion of American liberalism (…for fools who believed in it…) is now the best Hillary Clinton supporter.

There is an American politician candidate in which you can believe?
Trump? Another Zionist puppet with a very wide mouth…Hear him

Trump: “The only democracy in ME is Israel…”
(here another version of the same speech)

…and here Hillary Clinton…

(here another version of the same speech)
Any difference?


Louis Farrakhan on Hillary Clinton and Libya: “That’s a Wicked Woman”

…she in her person orchestrated the destruction of Libya
and the killing of Moammar Qaddafi…Gaddafi was my friend…
…he was my brother…she lied…and now Libya is a failed state…


Muammar Gaddafi, one of the Greatest Heads of State: if the Western World only Knew the Truth



“Sowing Chaos: Libya in the Wake of Humanitarian Intervention”, by Paolo Sensini [Book Excerpts]

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In early 2011, Libya came under attack. The anti-Libya coalition included France, the United Kingdom, the feudal Gulf monarchies, the United States and other NATO countries. Although during the previous months, Muammar Gaddafi had visited the nations of Europe where he was welcomed as the head of a friendly State, the United Nations swiftly approved the coalition-sponsored U-turn, undertaken in the guise of humanitarian intervention to protect the Libyan people. Gaddafi was branded “a bloodthirsty, crazed dictator”, intending and carrying out war crimes to suppress a legitimate domestic revolt.

This narrative was part of a larger-scale Western strategy adopted to redesign the entire Middle East in accordance with its interests. Immediately after the start of the NATO campaign of air strikes, Paolo Sensini visited Tripoli as a member of the “Fact Finding Commission on the Current Events in Libya”. He then wrote a fully detailed account of the real reasons for the attack on Libya, and the outcome. This book outlines the historical background of the last hundred years and more, from the main phases of the Italian military occupation (1911-1943) to the dramatic events of our own times, including an account of the post-war monarchy and Qaddafi’s rise to power, the air strikes on Tripoli and Benghazi ordered by Reagan in 1986, and the Lockerbie affair.

Sensini exposes the falsehoods propagated in 2011 of the alleged “mass graves” and “10,000 deaths”. He takes a close look at the “rebels in Benghazi” – goaded on by Islamic fundamentalists but organised, armed and financed by the West. The “rebels” provided the pretexts that West needed for approval of UN Resolution 1973 – the myth of ‘humanitarian’ intervention as embodied in the so-called “responsibility to protect” (R2P) doctrine. This criminal intervention devastated Libya, unleashing chaos and a civil war unlikely to cease in the near future.

Sensini addresses what has followed in its wake: the 11 September 2012 murder of American Ambassador Chris Stevens, the role of Hillary Clinton, and the plight of untold waves of migrants seeking to flee the continental chaos that R2P has unleashed, resulting in thousands of deaths and drownings across the Mediterranean, and the potential destabilization of European states struggling to cope with the mass influx. Continue reading


Seymour Hersh states: H. Clinton approved sending Libya’s sarin-gas to mercenary-gangs in Syria

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The great investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, in two previous articles in the London Review of Books («Whose Sarin?» and «The Red Line and the Rat Line») has reported that the Obama Administration falsely blamed the government of Syria’s Bashar al-Assad for the sarin gas attack that Obama was trying to use as an excuse to invade Syria; and Hersh pointed to a report from British intelligence saying that the sarin that was used didn’t come from Assad’s stockpiles.

Hersh also said that a secret agreement in 2012 was reached between the Obama Administration and the leaders of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar, to set up a sarin gas attack and blame it on Assad so that the US could invade and overthrow Assad.

For the first time, Hersh has implicated Hillary Clinton directly in this «rat line». In an interview with, Hersh was asked about the then-US-Secretary-of-State’s role in the Benghazi Libya US consulate’s operation to collect weapons from Libyan stockpiles and send them through Turkey into Syria for a set-up sarin-gas attack, to be blamed on Assad in order to ‘justify’ the US invading Syria, as the US had invaded Libya to eliminate Gaddafi. Continue reading


27 March 2016, Syrian Armed Forces and their Allies retake Palmyra from Daesh: Summary and Synthesis of the Events

Syrian government forces have retaken the ancient city of Palmyra and its residential areas from Daesh (ISIS). The Syrian armed forces now aim to use the desert city as a ‘launchpad’ to expand operations against the terrorist group: Raqqa and Deir Ezzour will be the next targets to be freed from foreign mercenaries and terrorists.


Hillary Emails, Gold Dinars and Arab Springs

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Buried amid tens of thousands of pages of former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s secret emails, now being made public by the US Government, is a devastating email exchange between Clinton and her confidential adviser, Sid Blumenthal.

It’s about Qaddafi and the US-coordinated intervention in 2011 to topple the Libyan ruler.

It’s about gold and a potentially existential threat to the future of the US dollar as world reserve currency.

It’s about Qaddafi’s plans then for the gold-based Dinar for Africa and the Arab oil world.

Two paragraphs in a recently declassified email from the illegal private server used by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during the US-orchestrated war to destroy Libya’s Qaddafi in 2011 reveal a tightly-held secret agenda behind the Obama Administration’s war against Qaddafi, cynically named “Responsibility to Protect.”

Barack Obama, an indecisive and weak President, delegated all presidential responsibility for the Libya war to his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Clinton, who was an early backer of an Arab “regime change,” using the secret Muslim Brotherhood…

… … …

…Qaddafi was moving forward, as head of the African Union, at the time of his assassination, with a plan to unify the sovereign States of Africa with one gold currency, a United States of Africa. In 2004, a Pan-African Parliament of 53 nations had laid plans for an African Economic Community – with a single gold currency by 2023… Continue reading


American and foreign mercenary-pilots […in the pay of Qatar and Turkey…] are at work in Libya from a long time already…

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[submitted thanks to a friend of Jamahiriya]

Frederick Joseph Schroeder, a U.S. pilot, is working as a mercenary pilot in Libya.

According to a magazine story he is working for a company based out of Qatar, flying combat missions in Libya.

He is currently living on a military base in Benghazi, flying combat missions.

His Linkedin profile confirms that he is flying Mirages in Libya.

The photos of him in uniform, standing next to his plane (imprinted with the flag with the colors of the colonial Libya, the rat’s colors), are also on his own Facebook posts.

As far as we know, this is a war crime. Continue reading


De-Dollarization: The Story of Gaddafi’s Gold-Backed Currency is Not Over

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A declassified email exchange between former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her adviser Sid Blumenthal shows that Clinton was up to her eyeballs in the Western conspiracy against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and his Pan-African “Gold Dinar” currency, … Continue reading


The recolonisation of Libya

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Failing to place the ‘Veto’ [for the ‘No Fly Zone’ over Libya] to the UN Security Council was one of the most serious and inexcusable errors of modern Russia. (SFP-WP Newsroom)
… … …
To those who believe that the colonial era is over, the examples of Iraq, Libya and Syria exist to prove them wrong. In 2001, the United States decided – in the logic of the ’War on Terror’ – to attack these three countries and a few others. Certainly, the wars against Tripoli and Damascus did not break out until ten years later, the time necessary to deprive these states of their defences, and to build international coalitions in order to mask colonial objectives as humanitarian operations. Let’s look again at the case of Libya.

In the ambiguous comedy played out in the little theatre of politics, lead actor Renzi proclaimed that in Libya «Italy will play its part» – and as soon as the Pentagon said that Italy will assume the role of «guide», he declared – «Italy’s military mission in Libya is not the order of the day» – whereas in reality, it has already begun, with special forces that the Parliament has placed under the orders of the Prime Minister.

In order to appropriate Libyan oil and territory, NATO, under US command, launched the campaign against Kadhafi, in which the Italian «left-wing opposition» played a major part.

The Libyan state was therefore demolished by war and by attacks from the interior by special forces and terrorist groups. The resulting social disaster, which has created more victims than the war itself, especially among the immigrants, opened the door for the reconquest and sharing of Libya. What is Italy now marching into, as it stamps on the Constitution and revisits its colonial past? Continue reading


Hillary Clinton is an unholy disaster: honest Americans, please, do not vote for her, or you will see many other Libya

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You, honest Americans, please do not vote for Hillary Clinton, a very dangerous person, for the whole world and especially for yourself. Save what may be saved of this world. (LibyanFreePress Newsroom)

… … … American foreign policy is the greatest threat to world peace, prosperity, and the environment. And when it comes to foreign policy, Hillary Clinton is an unholy disaster.

From Iraq and Syria to Libya and Honduras the world is a much worse place because of her; so much so that I’d call her a war criminal who should be prosecuted. And not much better can be expected on domestic issues from this woman who was paid $675,000 by Goldman Sachs – one of the most reactionary, anti-social corporations in this sad world – for four speeches and even more than that in political donations in recent years.

Hillary Clinton played a key role in the 2011 destruction of Libya’s modern and secular welfare state, sending it crashing in utter chaos into a failed state, leading to the widespread dispersal throughout North African and Middle East hotspots of the gigantic arsenal of weaponry that Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi had accumulated. Libya is now a haven for terrorists, from al Qaeda to ISIS, whereas Gaddafi had been a leading foe of terrorists… … … Continue reading


The Libya That No Longer Exists (1969 – 2011)

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Submitted by The Burning Blogger of Bedlam [thanks].

In 2008 or 2009, the BBC made a documentary on life inside Libya: I remember it because I watched it at the time of its broadcast. Up until the beginning of 2011, that video was available on You Tube.
Once the international community had made up its mind – after years of back and forth – that Gaddafi was ‘evil’ and a war had to be waged on Libya, all versions of the documentary were removed from the web.

The documentary, as I recall it, was a fairly positive evaluation of Gaddafi’s government, life inside Libya and the state of the nation. It reflected the new light Libya was being viewed in after years of being regarded as a ‘pariah state’ by the West.
You can now also download (for free) my book, ‘THE LIBYA CONSPIRACY: A Definitive Guide to the Libya Intervention & the Crime of the Century’, for the full, comprehensive story and exhaustive analysis of the 2011 international conspiracy. The book is available in all formats…ALL LINKS AT THE PAGE… … … Continue reading


Libya under Gaddafi … and … what’s left of Libya today

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Libya Under Gaddafi
[submitted by thanks]

Much has been said about Muammar Gaddafi, whether lies or truth we may never know but there are certain facts and changes that happened in Libya under his rule and its very essential that we must know about them. As it is the best way to judge anybody is to see what he did when he was in power:

• Before he threw the previous monarchy, of King Idris, leading a bloodless coup, the literacy rate in Libya was 25% which under him went upto 87%. As on today 25% of Libyan’s have a university degree and 15% have advanced degrees.

• Education and medical treatments were free in Libya. If Libyans were not able to find the education or medical facilities they need in Libya, the government funded them to go abroad and also provided $2,300/month accommodation.

• Electricity was provided free to all its citizen.

• Housing was considered a human right in Libya and Gaddafi vowed that his parents would not get a house until every Libyan had his own home.

• Banks in Libya were state owned and loan was given to its citizens at 0% interest rate by law.

• Libya had no external debt and its reserves amounted to $150 billion which is now frozen globally.

• Gaddafi carried out the world’s largest irrigation project, known as the ‘Great Man-made River’ project, to make water readily available throughout the desert country. It costed around $27billion.

• A portion of Libyan oil sale was credited directly to the bank account of all Libyan citizens.

• If a Libyan was unable to get employment after graduation the state gave him/her a salary until an employment was found.

• Should any Libyan wanted to take up farming career, they used to receive farming land, a farming house, equipment, seeds and livestock to kick-start their farms, all for free.

• All newly-weds In Libya received around $50,000 by the government to buy their own apartment, so to help start a family.

• A mother who gave birth to a child received $5,000.

• 40 loaves of bread in Libya costed $0.15.

• If a person bought (there is no word ‘buys’) a new car in Libya, government subsidised 50% of the price.

• The profit on oil belonged to the people and not to Rothschild’s BP and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil.

• Richest in Africa with the highest living standard and at one time – GDP per capita $11,314 higher than Japan, Libya was known as the ‘Switzerland of the Middle East’.

• Woman in Libya had equal rights, not only in mere theory, but also in practice. However, under the Shariah-Law-based ‘Transitional National Council’ this has changed quickly now.

• Libyans had a direct participatory democracy based on People’s Conference that put other so called ‘democracies’ to shame.

• Being an Islamic country Libya was the only one in North Africa and the whole world where fundamentalist and radicals were not accepted at all.

• Gaddafi planned to introduce a single African currency made from gold, which would have eradicated the US$ and Euro as trade currencies for Africa, in consequence freeing them from the bullies like Rothschild.
…read the full article… Continue reading


Libya: From Africa’s Wealthiest Democracy under Gaddafi, to US-NATO Sponsored Terrorist Haven

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EDITORIAL STATEMENT: October (2011), marks the four-year anniversary of the disappearance of Libya’s leader, Muammar Gaddafi, and the decline into chaos of one of Africa’s greatest nations.
The position of this network is (and always was) that brother Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, born the 7 June 1942, never physically died: he is alive, he will live forever in the hearts of millions of people in Libya, in Africa and in the whole world, and will remain forever the worst nightmare for Libya’s enemies, that one after the other will be overwhelmed by their evil actions, and by themselves and between themselves each other they will be eliminated and eternally damned.
(the editorial team)


Contrary to popular belief, Libya, which western media routinely described as “Gaddafi’s military dictatorship” was in actual fact one of the world’s most democratic States.

Under Gaddafi’s unique system of direct democracy, traditional institutions of government were disbanded and abolished, and power belonged to the people directly through various committees and congresses.

Far from control being in the hands of one man, Libya was highly decentralized and divided into several small communities that were essentially “mini-autonomous States” within a State. These autonomous States had control over their districts and could make a range of decisions including how to allocate oil revenue and budgetary funds. Within these mini autonomous States, the three main bodies of Libya’s democracy were Local Committees, Basic People’s Congresses and Executive Revolutionary Councils.

The Basic People’s Congress (BPC), or Mu’tamar shaʿbi asāsi was essentially Libya’s functional equivalent of the House of Commons in the United Kingdom or the House of Representatives in the United States. However, Libya’s People’s Congress was not comprised merely of elected representatives who discussed and proposed legislation on behalf of the people; rather, the Congress allowed all Libyans to directly participate in this process. Eight hundred People’s Congresses were set up across the country and all Libyans were free to attend and shape national policy and make decisions over all major issues including budgets, education, industry, and the economy. Continue reading


Flashback to 2011: British press glorifies savage assassination of President Gaddafi by NATO’s mercenaries

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EDITORIAL STATEMENT: October (2011), marks the four-year anniversary of the disappearance of Libya’s leader, Muammar Gaddafi, and the decline into chaos of one of Africa’s greatest nations.
The position of this network is (and always was) that brother Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, born the 7 June 1942, never physically died: he is alive, he will live forever in the hearts of millions of people in Libya, in Africa and in the whole world, and will remain forever the worst nightmare for Libya’s enemies, that one after the other will be overwhelmed by their evil actions, and by themselves and between themselves each other they will be eliminated and eternally damned.
(the editorial team)


Flashback to 2011: British press glorifies savage assassination of President Gaddafi by NATO’s mercenaries
compiled by Cem Ertür, for Indybay, 22 October 2015

The sheer euphoria of the entire British press over President Muammar Gaddafi’s savage assassination by NATO’s mercenaries on the 8th month of the genocidal invasion of Libya betrayed an absolute moral bankruptcy of the predatory imperialist alliance of NATO countries, Arab monarchies and Israel. Continue reading


Libyan Prisoners From 2011 Released ~ [Latest Updated News on Libya by “STOP THE WAR IN LIBYA. WE DEMAND IT”

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Libyan Prisoners From 2011 Released 17/6/2015 – Zliten militias launching to release prisoners from outside the city who are from the city of Tripoli who are prisoners of the year 2011. Prisoners who were released the names of: – Ali … Continue reading


Obama Bombs Libya…again

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Attacking other nations directly or indirectly posing no threat to America is longstanding US policy. Obama is the latest in a long line of warrior US presidents. He exceeds the worst of his predecessors. He’s a war criminal multiple times … Continue reading


Daesh-ISIS beheads Libyan regime’s soldier in front of children for ‘educational purposes’

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Masked militants from the Islamic State group have beheaded a soldier in front of a group of children, aged six to eight years old, outside a mosque in Libya for “educational purposes.” The jihadists have released photographs of the execution. … Continue reading


Humanitarians for War on Libya, Syria… Exposed … [Chlorine Gas, No Fly Zone, AVAAZ, White Helmets, HRW, PHR, Amnesty…and more…]

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~ PART 1 & PART 2 ~

~ Part 1 of this article (31 March 2015) documented the campaign by Avaaz and others for a “No Fly Zone” in Syria and contrasted the promises with the consequences in Libya.

~ Part 2 (3-5 April 2015) examines the allegations of chlorine gas attacks in Syria, what various organizations are doing and saying and where major violations of international law are occurring.

[… … … … … … … … … …]

A massive campaign in support of foreign intervention against Syria is underway. The goal is to prepare the public for a “No Fly Zone” enforced by US and other military powers. This is how the invasion of Iraq began. This is how the public was prepared for the US/NATO air attack on Libya.

The results of western ‘regime change’ in Iraq and Libya have been disastrous. Both actions have dramatically reduced the security, health, education and living standards of the populations, created anarchy and mayhem, and resulted in the explosion of sectarianism and violence in the region. Now the Western/NATO/Israeli and Gulf powers, supported by major intervention-inclined humanitarian organizations, want to do the same in Syria. Is this positive or a repeat of past disasters?

Major non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the campaign include Avaaz, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR), “White Helmets” also known as “Syria Civil Defence, “The Syria Campaign” , Amnesty International etc.. These campaigns are well funded and in accord with the efforts of John McCain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and others who are explicit in wanting “regime change” in Syria. Turkey continues to press for the No Fly Zone as the US and Turkey launch another round of training “moderate rebels” at bases in Turkey… … … Continue reading


Destroying Libya and World Order

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by Francis A. Boyle

I have unique experience in Libya. To the best of my knowledge, during the 1980s I was the only American professor to spend time in Libya because of the serial armed hostilities and the imposition of draconian travel prohibitions and economic sanctions inflicted by the Reagan administration. I spent a sum total of four weeks in Libya on three different trips there during that decade.

In 1987 I returned to Libya for another two weeks after the Reagan administration had bombed Tripoli and Benghazi in 1986 and attempted to murder the entire Qaddafi family sleeping in their home at night. I visited all the bombing sites in the Metropolitan Tripoli area and had a tour of the bombed out Qaddafi home. I then had a meeting with Colonel Qaddafi in his tent where we discussed what happened to him and his family on the night of the bombing. Qaddafi was a Bedouin from the desert, so he liked to meet guests and conduct business in a pitched tent. Continue reading


Quo Vadis Libya?

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On the Heinous Deeds that US Interventionism Brought upon Libya and upon Libyan Women in Ousting and Murdering Khadafy

The late Col. Muammar Khadafy, hailed as the “Great Leader” by the Libyan people during his incumbency, was murdered by Chad, Somali and Sudanese mercenaries in collusion with NATO and US invading forces on October 19, 2011. Khadafy’s Libya, two years before he was ousted and assassinated was considered as one of Africa’s greatest nations.

By Prof. Henry Francis B. Espiritu (FB) Continue reading


Muammar Gaddafi prophecies on Libya, Utter Chaos, Western Diktats, Jihadi Fundamentalism, ISIS…

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Originally posted on the real Syrian Free Press:
The Future Gaddafi Foresaw: Libya, ISIS and the Unaffordable Luxury of Hindsight By Ahmad Barqawi, freelance columnist and writer (Counterpunch) “Who are you?” the late Muammar Gaddafi once rhetorically asked in a…


Libya loses control over oil fields, now in the hands of Daesh mercenaries: Abdel Hakim Belhaj, Libyan rat-commander, join Daesh-ISES (Islamic State of Egypt and Sudan), trained in Sinai by Israel’s Golani Brigade

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Originally posted on the real Syrian Free Press:
DAESH (ISES, Islamic State of Egypt and Sudan) linked militants have gained a stronger foothold in Libya, seizing new economically vital areas of the country, which has been torn apart by a…


United Nations Security Council, Sergey Lavrov: “It’s enough to remember the war, bombing, destruction, chaos in Serbia, Iraq, Libya, by some member-states”

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Originally posted on the real Syrian Free Press:
~ Lavrov: Time to decide if we want UN focused & effective or on the sidelines The UN would be effective in settling international disputes, if some member-states didn’t try to use…


The Most Important Moral Lesson of the 21st Century Is Known by Few!

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Death and destruction of all life forms are the hallmarks of the military forces controlled by the foreign Banking and Monetary Cartel. By Speer Williams ~ Veteranstoday The non-reporting of this story is a prime example of the deception designed … Continue reading


DAESH Main Camp in Libya “Targeting Coordinates”

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“The ‘Arab Spring’ brought DAESH to Libya” ~ Interview with the Italian historian Paolo Sensini [ENG]

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Originally posted on the real Syrian Free Press:
Paolo Sensini, historian and author of an analysis of the 2011 war against Qaddafi, analyses the situation in Libya today and considers the roots of the crisis Translation from the original by Alexander…


Huge number of foreign mercenaries eliminated by Syrian Army in Dara’a, Al Qouneitirah, Idleb & Damascus countryside: killed also 50 and 30 DAESH terrorists in Hama and Homs, and 1 international-wanted French criminal in Idleb

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Originally posted on the real Syrian Free Press:
Syrian Arab army units have eliminated a number of foreign mercenaries and terrorists in several areas in Dara’a suburbs including Akraba, Oum Al-`Ousssaj & Tal `Antar & destroyed a truck loaded with…


Syria: Confirmed, 56 residents from 2 villages of Hasaka province captured by Daesh after large-scale assault ~ REPORT

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Originally posted on the real Syrian Free Press:
Hasaka survivors (1) Families fleeing ISIS arrive in Hasaka city, concerns raised over fate of locals who stayed behind Hasaka, 24/2/2015 ~ Terrorists of the DAESH (ISIS) captured 56 people from the…


Daesh, Libia e Primavere Arabe: due interviste con lo storico Paolo Sensini [IT]

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Originally posted on the real Syrian Free Press:
Presentiamo due interessanti interviste rilasciate dal ricercatore storico italiano prof. Paolo Sensini a due testate web nei giorni scorsi, dove egli affronta l’attuale evoluzione delle cosí dette “primavere arabe” (progetto forgiato da…


Israel’s Golani Brigade Training DAESH Commanders in Sinai

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Originally posted on the real Syrian Free Press:
Israel’s Golani Infantry Brigade is training the high ranks and commanders of the DAESH (ISIL-ISIS) terrorist group in the Sinai for sabotage operations in Egypt, a senior Iraqi legislator revealed on Saturday.…


Former US Commander Wesley Clark: “ISIS is an American Made Organization, financed by Washington’s friends & allies”

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Originally posted on the real Syrian Free Press:
Former commander of US forces in Europe & commander of NATO forces until 2000 Wesley Clark stressed in an interview with the American CNN Channel that ISIS is an American Made Organization…


Libya chaos created by NATO intervention [scholar] ~ DAESH plans to invade Europe through Libya [report]

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NATO’s 2011 intervention created the devastation and chaos in Libya that enabled the rise of Islamic State militants and the current crisis surrounding the killing of 21 Egyptian Christians.

Following a February 2011 rebellion in eastern Libya, and a crackdown by the government, the United Nations adopted Resolution 1973, authorizing a no-fly zone in the country. NATO later expanded its operations to include direct air support to rebels, resulting in the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi’s government in October 2011. Continue reading


Libya Then and Now: an Overview of NATO’s Handiwork

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In 2011, as the entire world watched the Arab Spring in amazement, the US and its allies, predominantly working under the banner of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), militarily overran the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.

The peaceful civilian protesters they claimed to be intervening to protect were not really what the US and its cohorts presented to the world. Many of these so-called “protesters” were armed, and when this became apparent they eventually began to portray themselves as “rebel forces.” These so-called “rebels” in Libya were not a military force that emerged spontaneously for the most part, but an insurgency movement cultivated and organised before any opposition activities were even reported in Libya. Continue reading


Libia, dopo l’ennesima guerra “boomerang” dell’occidente, l’Isis è a mille KM dall’Italia ~ Intervista a Paolo Sensini, autore di ‘Libia 2011’, sull’incubo dimenticato dai media

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Dopo l’ennesima guerra “boomerang” dell’Occidente, ora l’Isis è in Libia, a mille chilometri dall’Italia.

L’allarme è stato lanciato dall’inviato speciale delle Nazioni Unite, Bernardino Leon che, lo scorso 7 ottobre, ha affermato:
“Gli jihadisti dello Stati islamico sono già presenti in Libia e la loro minaccia è concreta”.

Il governo italiano è silente ma l’emergenza per l’Italia è in atto. Dal Paese nordafricano, che si affaccia sul Mediterraneo e dista poche ore di navigazione dalle nostre coste, proviene la quasi totalità dei flussi di migranti che sbarcano in Sicilia.

“Un’eventuale avanzata dei miliziani sunniti dello Stato islamico (Is o Isis) moltiplicherà i flussi di migranti in fuga dalle violenze”
– sostiene Paolo Sensini, autore di “Libia 2011” (ed. Jaca Book – 2011) e “Divide et impera. Strategie del caos per il XXI secolo nel Vicino e Medio Oriente” (ed. Mimesis – 2013) –.

Continueranno i traffici di esseri umani con i quali le milizie libiche si finanziano la guerra e il rischio di infiltrazioni terroristiche diventerebbe altissimo. Inoltre, gli interessi energetici e commerciali dell’Italia in Libia sarebbero irrimediabilmente compromessi”… Continue reading


MI6 Libyan Asset Belhaj Is A War Criminal Who Worked With MI6 & Vitol Oil To Illegally Overthrow Libyan Government

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Originally posted on the real Syrian Free Press:
MI6 Libyan asset Belhaj and his ‘humanitarian’ glee club are making slightly more than fools of themselves with their propaganda over rendition which is designed to cover up real claims. In legal…


“Operation Libya” and the Battle for Oil: Redrawing the Map of Africa

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The following article was published two years ago on March 9, 2011, at the outset of the US-NATO intervention in Libya. Libya’s oil reserves are twice those of the United States.

In retrospect. the 2011 US-NATO led war on Libya was a multi-trillion dollar trophy for the United States. It was also, as outlined in the article a means to establishing US hegemony in North Africa, a region historically dominated by France and to lesser extent by Italy and Spain.

The US-NATO intervention was also intent upon excluding China from the region and edging out China’s National Petroleum Corp (CNPC), which was a major player in Libya.

Libya is the gateway to the Sahel and Central Africa. More generally, what is at stake is the redrawing of the map of Africa at the expense of France’s historical spheres of influence, namely a process of neo-colonial redivision. Continue reading


Libya, A Nation in Despair

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The spirit of democracy cannot be imposed from without. It has to come from within (Mahatma Gandhi) ~ Libya, A Nation in Despair By Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News The US-NATO invasion of Libya in 2011 to remove Muammar … Continue reading


Perverts Cutthroat Cannibals Served as ‘Armed Quick Reaction Force’ Within the U.S. Special Forces in Libya

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“Old shoes, when are no longer useful, can be throw away”. Ahmed Abu Khattallah, a mercenary terrorist from Benghazi,  suspected of various crimes and recently arrested by the U.S. intelligence, once served as a key conduit in an effort staged … Continue reading


Libyans Tribes Declare Control of Their Sovereign Land

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The Great Tribes of Libya held a conference yesterday. The result of the conference is the declarations of the Tribes below. There are 15 declarations the tribes will enforce to put the control of Libya into the hands of its … Continue reading


Open Letter: Libyan Tribes Respond to US Ambassador Deborah Jones

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Deborah Jones, the shameful US Ambassador to Libya, spoke at the Stimson Center in Washington DC. Her prowess for mis-statements and lies is unmatched except by Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’. She states the Libyan people never had a government … Continue reading