
Libyan Resistance, War News, 2 April 2012 – (Text/Audio/Vids)


Tripoli: In the capital Tripoli are mysteriously disappearing most of the NTC members.

There is a struggle between men of the Green Resistance and NTC gangsters  in the areas of Hatba-Harkia and Salah al-Din.

The Belgian Embassy in Tripoli was also attacked.



Declaration of the Green Resistance Women: “We take revenge for all our brave martyrs . We are proud Libyan women , we will not forget our victims . Every Libyan will be revenged, our kids , our brothers , fathers , sisters … In the name of Allah , this is our Jihad . Our sandness get sword of revenge – you -rats , you are already finished . Allah Muammar wa Libya wa bass!!!” – Female Resistance Tripoli.



Sabha – Pick-up of the NTC-rats is continuous, while an incessant aerial bombardment is in progress. Residents have spent sleepless nights because of the fire and explosions, and children were living in a state of panic and fear … At least 90% of the city and suburbs is under the control of Taboo, including the airport and military base. But communications with the city are discontinuous. In the area occupied by NATO-mercenaries, homes were devastated, the inhabitants killed, women raped.
What is known is that in the last hours Sabha has become a ghost town. Even areas under the control  Toubou is mostly abandoned by the scared population that has fled to the south.

More gangsters and rats came from Misurata. Some of them, just arrived, go to hell. As rat-Commander Maihoub Abu Bakr, of Suleiman tribe: he was neutralized by Toubou forces a couple of days ago.


rat-Commander Maihoub Abu Bakr, of Suleiman renegade tribe, was neutralized by Toubou forces

Air strikes are incessant, and NTC-rats are also ruthlessly and insistently bombing the area with heavy artillery.
These criminals are shooting indiscriminately on the city, aiming to all homes.
It is an humanitarian disaster, is a crime against humanity, under the eyes of the world without anyone to intervene and denounce these crimes. No one cares about the Libyan people, much less the black Libyan people or Tuareg.
The media have done their job of disinformation and now are trying to attack Syria: but Syria resists and has enjoyed the support of Russia and China, while Libya was left alone.
But the Libyan people is strong, resists and will not surrender. In the south there are many friends and no shortage of weapons.

Sabha, last hours: A cease-fire has been declared between NTC-rats (and renegade tribes without honour like Suleiman tribe) and  Green Resistance fighters from Toubou tribe.
The fighters announced a curfew in Sabha from 21:00 to 08:00.
Negotiations are in progress. Resistance as well.

Allah Muammar Libya Wa Bass!




News Received from Green Web-Fighters online
and reloaded by LibyanFreePressNetwork



Any re-publication is appreciated, as long as, please, you always report all the original links, to allow everyone a better research and spread of free information. Thanks.

Ogni ri-pubblicazione è gradita, ma vi chiediamo solo, per cortesia, di riportare tutti i links e riferimenti contenuti, per una migliore ricerca e diffusione a tutti. Grazie.




10 responses to “Libyan Resistance, War News, 2 April 2012 – (Text/Audio/Vids)

  1. This is good news, so below ‘.
    It would be really nice if women would give the final blow to the RATS Sabha.
    After what women have to suffer this would be the least they deserve.

  2. The struggle is long but victory is assured Long live the resistance and it’s patriots

  3. Pingback: Libyan Resistance, War News, 2 April 2012 – (Text/Audio/Vids) – This weblog is for sounding DIVINE TRUTH in the ears of the dead!

  4. Hi all green Libyans. I believe that truth will win, rats crawl into channels and and the Libyans will be free again. Media are lying to us all, but most people from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and other countries will also want to win.
    Long live for Jamahiriya!!!
    Allah, Muammar, wa Libya wa bas!!!
    Allah, Muammar, wa Libya wa bas!!!

    • rats Nato know that they are traitors betrayed the homeland Libya Islam they have collaborated with the Italians who killed Omar Omar al Mukhtar elmukhtar …. which has nothing to do with these traitors, if ‘he was alive he combattera with Muamar against nato and the rats.
      We move forward and we combatterons thousand years for the Jamhiriya
      Allah Muamar W W W low libya

  5. les rats ne peuvent pas construire un état de droit eux même ce sont des des renégats du Nato ….. nOUS COMBATTRONS MILLE ANS PAS DE DE PLACE AUX TRAITRES LE RETOUR DE jAMAHIRIYA ARABIYA ILLYBIA ;;;;;;NOTRE SYMBOLE NOTRE GUIDE 0 jAMAIS BOUMENYAR MOUAMAR GUEDDAFFI ;;;;

  6. God will not forsake you Libya even you fight alone God is the most powerful and God is in your side

  7. Pingback: Fenêtre sur l’âme de Muammar al-Kadhafi/AWindow into the Soul of Muammar al-Qathafi/ « Windows Live space

  8. We are proud of you. True Libyans have indeed suffered a lot. Shameful and atrocious acts were done against Lybian women which must never be forgotten. The world will wake up and we hope, we pray, that those involved in this tragedy will face international trial for genocide, for destroying on purpose the infrastructures of a sovereign country, for the humiliation of Libyan people.

  9. Francenaldo Amorim

    the green forces have to prepare thousands of snipers. to kill these Rats and mercenaries. attack them all over the Lybia country; No mercy gor the traitors.

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