
Rats vile murderers and thieves – Ratti vili assassini e ladri (VIDEO)


– Mercenaries of the NTC kill in cold blood a loyalist soldier already wounded and on the ground and then steal his wallet. Only rats and common criminals behave so cowardly and dishonorable.



– Mercenari del NTC uccidono a sangue freddo un soldato lealista già ferito e a terra e poi lo derubano del portafogli. Solo topi di fogna e delinquenti comuni si comportano in modo così vigliacco e disonorevole


Uploaded by on Apr 9, 2012

Published by LibyanFreePress





8 responses to “Rats vile murderers and thieves – Ratti vili assassini e ladri (VIDEO)

  1. I hope that, when the Green Resistance and the Libyan Army regain total control of Libya, that the Libyan people RESUME their committment to the principles that Colonel Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi believed in, taught, and lived by. Two such principles are:

    1. Unity, as reflected in his greatest dream: the unity of Africa
    2. Independence, as reflected in his strong stance for Libyan independence from the imperialists banking systems.

    In fact, when the Green Resistance and the Libyan Army soon regain total control of Libya, they should DOUBLE the commitment to the above two principles. Anything less than that will send a signal to the brutal enemies of Libya that Libya had been forced into cowardice. Do not let that happen.

    Reject union with the West. Look what the West has done to you, Libya. When you regain your freedom and your independence, you should continue the Al-Fateh Revolution until it has made Libya strong again. Then, you should join with such alliances as the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), once your economy is strong again.

    The best revenge for you will be to CONTINUE Muammar Gaddafi’s work. This will be the ultimate defeat of the West in their failed plans to make Libya crawl.

    If they suck all of the oil up from under the ground, and leave you without oil, then become a center for the production of solar panels. It was not the oil that made you rich. It was your SOULS and your HEARTS and your MINDS.

    Libya can, and will, become rich again, whether there is oil there or not. When the people pool together again, as will soon happen, then, in time, wealth will flow again throughout Libya.

    Create a share-and-care society, as you had before. Do not be tempted to join a DYING Anglo-American [British-American] global economic system that millions of people are now rejected. The BRICS countries billlions of human beings, just counting India and China alone. They have REJECTED the Anglo-American global economic order, at their recent conference, and are in the process of building a new economic order.

    Everyone knows that the Anglo-American economic order is falling to the ground. And remember this: LIBYA LED THE WAY. That’s right. It is, in part, a SPIRITUAL war that Libya won. NATO rained down the bombs that invoked the invisible forces of nature that lean towards balance and peace. And now, we see the world REJECTING the Anglo-American order.

    I pray that, when Libya wins its independence, that it turn its back on the West forever, and join with the other countries that have now come to realize that the Anglo-American system is foul, satanic, destructive and dying. Ameen.

    Allah, Muammar, Libya wa bas!

  2. kurwy mordercy zlodzieje -ruch oporu tak samo robcie z parszywymi szczurami -zero czlowieczenstwa -gorsze niz swinie w korycie -brak slow –

  3. Esattamente topi di fogna e delinquenti comuni sono, in occidente quelli cosi’ li mettono in galera , (salvo poi mandarli in libia). Chi é piu’ ASSASSINO, questi RATTI, o chi li ha mandati in libia?

  4. Pingback: Les vils rats meurtriers et voleurs (VIDEO) | La Voix Des Opprimés

  5. Traduction en Français :

    Les vils rats meurtriers et voleurs (VIDEO)

    – Les mercenaires du CNT ont tué de sang-froid un soldat loyaliste déjà blessé et au sol et lui ont ensuite volé son portefeuille. Seuls les rats et les criminels de droit commun se comportent de manière aussi lâche et déshonorante.

  6. Traduction En Français :
    Les vils rats meurtriers et voleurs (VIDEO)

    – Les mercenaires du CNT ont tué de sang-froid un soldat loyaliste déjà blessé et au sol et lui ont ensuite volé son portefeuille. Seuls les rats et les criminels de droit commun se comporter de manière lâche et déshonorante.


  8. Francenaldo Amorim

    When a say that the the patriotic soldiers of green army must do the same, with these RATS, TRAITORS AND MERCENNERY, some say we are being to cruel, that we have to forgive the life of each libyen. But we see that they don´t do that and are imposing the law of terreur. Hang them. No mercy for them.

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